What is FAMI? ( Fat Transfer)

Jul 5, 2018

As we age, it’s natural for our face to lose volume and for our facial muscles to shrink. Though this may be natural, it’s not pretty. The result can be an overly thin face with sunken features, which make you look tired. Fat Auto-grafting Muscle Injection (FAMI) is a technique used to rejuvenate the face, and there are few physicians in Houston who are skilled in this technique. Among them is Dr. Anthony Nikko of the Nikko Cosmetic Surgery Center. During FAMI, Dr. Nikko supplements the volume of muscles in the jawline, upper eyes, lower eyes, lips, forehead, and cheeks. The procedure on the face is a non-surgical and minimally invasive method that corrects the drawn, gaunt face using a patient’s own fat. The fat is removed via liposuction from areas such as the abdomen, prepared for transfer, and injected with a special cannula into the face’s vascular muscle bed. The benefit of this procedure is that it uses the patient’s own fat cells, which means there are no complications with dermal fillers that can occur in very limited circumstances. To learn more about FAMI and whether it would be a beneficial cosmetic procedure for you, contact the professional staff at the Nikko Cosmetic Surgery Center to book a personalized consultation with Dr. Nikko.