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Hair Disorders – (Hair Loss, Disease, Infection) Medical Dermatology – Cypress, Houston TX


At Nikko Dermatology in Cypress, TX, we understand your hair needs. Hair is an outgrowth that contains keratin (a protein also found in the skin and nails) and grows from the follicles located at the dermis level of the skin. It is susceptible to infection, infestations, harmful disorders, and loss. As it grows everywhere on the body (except the palms of the hands, soles of feet, lips and eyelids), there is a good chance that at one point in your life you may need to see a dermatologist for a condition. Our board-certified Dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko, wants to help you learn more about your condition and safely treat you with optimal results.



Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles that is usually caused by bacteria or fungus. This condition appears when the hair follicles are infected, become blocked, or irritated by sweat. Shaving, wearing tight clothes and makeup are other triggers to this infection. It mainly appears as red pimples with a hair in the center that may cause burning and itching. Once the pustule breaks, it will drain pus, blood, or both. This condition is mainly treated with antifungal medications.


Tinea capitis (scalp ringworm) is a contagious disease caused by a fungal infection that affects the scalp area. Most commonly in children, this condition appears as red patches of scaling, which leads broken skin, redness, swelling, and oozing.

Tinea barbae (beard ringworm) is similar to the scalp ringworm, yet this contagious fungal infection affects the hair follicles in the beard and mustache area. Oral medications can quickly relieve this condition.

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Trichotillomania is a hair pulling habit, which leads to harmful effects by pulling out noticeable patches of eyebrows, eyelashes, or scalp. This pulling habit is usually triggered by emotional stress or depression. Treatment for trichotillomania is targeted toward awareness and behavior modification.


Head lice, also known as pediculosis, are parasitic, blood-sucking insects that attack the human scalp and are most commonly found in school children. Continuous head scratching is a common symptom for detection. These insects are spread head-to-head. Once diagnosed with head lice, it is imperative that hygienic measures take place. You should wash all items that were in contact with the infested person. There are various over-the-counter treatments along with prescribed medications to eliminate head lice.


Hair loss can have many causes. The dermatologist will evaluate each condition individually to determine the best treatment options or to discuss the progress in future remedies.

Alopecia areata is an unpredictable skin condition that causes a rare hair loss mainly in the scalp. This non-contagious autoimmune disease attacks the hair root causing round patches of hair loss. Even though there are treatments available to re-grow the hair, this condition cannot always be cured and new patches may or may not appear. Ironically, this disorder appears in healthy individuals. Visit our Cosmetic Surgery site here to view available treatments. Your first office visit/consultation will be covered under insurance.

Telogen effluvium, unlike other hair diseases, tends to disappear on its own. High fever, chronic illness, thyroid disease and other factors cause too many hairs to enter the telogen stage of the hair cycle causing a higher amount of hair shed (effluvium).

Androgenic alopecia is hereditary thinning or balding. It is the most common hair loss condition due to genetics. Although there is no cure, there are various treatments that may help.

Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia is a rare condition that causes inflammation around the hair follicles that leads to scarring and permanent hair loss. Although the cause is still unknown, it produces itchiness, swelling, and pain. Your dermatologist’s treatment will focus on stopping the spread of inflammation and scarring.


Each treatment plan will be customized to the patient’s hair disease or condition after a private examination. For hair loss, your dermatologist will recommend the best procedure depending on the hair loss pattern, such as:

Hair restoration involves various surgical procedures to restore the loss of hair to obtain a natural hairline.

A hair transplant is a surgical technique that involves moving healthy hair follicles to the affected area. The process includes removing small strips of healthy hair from the back or sides of the head, harvesting the strips, and transplanting the grafts into the bald areas. This procedure leaves minimal scars that are hidden by overlaying hair.

A scalp reduction is a cosmetic surgery that works best for patients with extensive baldness. Through this procedure several inches of the balding area are removed and then the scalp is sutured back together. This procedure is usually conducted along with a hair transplant.

Scalp extenders and/or tissue expanders involve a restorative process that is used for patients who lack enough donor hair follicles for a transplant. The expanders are inserted under the scalp to enhance the hair growing areas. The expanders are inflatable balloons and the extenders are rubber bands to expand and extend the hair-bearing areas and to reduce the bald patches.

What patients have to say about Dr. Nikko and our amazing staff.


We invite you to have a personal, private consultation with Dr. Nikko at Nikko Dermatology in Cypress, TX. Whether you have a hair disorder, disease, or hair loss, our team will help you find treatments and/or cosmetic procedures. Call and schedule an appointment today.