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Hair Restoration Surgery – FUE – SmartGraft® – Houston, TX


The SmartGraft robotic hair transplant system is a minimally invasive treatment to help restore hair loss in both men and women. SmartGraft is the technology behind FUE, also known as follicular unit extraction. FUE allows Houston, TX cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Anthony Nikko the ability to precisely select, remove, and transplant small units of hair follicles and place them in an area where hair loss has occurred. Compared to FUT, which is an older hair transplant surgery where a larger section of hair and skin are removed, SmartGraft offers less recovery, less discomfort, and the ability to attain natural-looking results without a visible scar. During a private consultation, Dr. Nikko assesses the hair loss as well as the health of the hair zone on the scalp where hair will be taken from. With Dr. Nikko’s combined experience in cosmetic surgery, as well as dermatology and hair restoration, he is able to create a custom treatment plan that will highlight the number of grafts needed to produce the fullness and overall aesthetic result the patient desires. Prior to recommending this treatment, Dr. Nikko will discuss why the hair loss is occurring and also determine if other treatments are applicable.


Prior to having a hair transplant, Dr. Nikko will diagnose the reason for the hair loss and recommend treatments so that the actual transplant itself will have a higher chance of success. This may include the use of certain hair products such as shampoos or medications to help slow or stop additional hair loss. The great news about SmartGraft is that it can benefit both men and women of all types of hair, at any age, and any ethnicity. Men or women who have thinning hair or bald areas and who desire fuller coverage must have enough hair on the back section of the head to transplant in order to create enough follicles to reach their aesthetic goals. It’s important that patients have realistic expectations and understand SmartGraft does not create new hair follicles, it only transfers existing hair follicles from denser areas to thinning and/or balding sections of the scalp for more coverage and a fuller, thicker look.

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Dr. Nikko performs his hair transplant procedures inside our cosmetic surgery center. Depending on the number of grafts that are being harvested and transplanted, the procedure could take anywhere from 3 – 8 hours. Our patients are first given a local anesthetic to help numb the scalp so that discomfort is minimized. Patients should come wearing comfortable clothing as they will be lying in our treatment chair during this time. The revolutionary technology behind the SmartGraft system allows Dr. Nikko to perform hair restoration without a scalpel, thus there are no stitches or staples used during the process. The first phase of the treatment involves removing the appropriate number of hair grafts, harvesting them, and then performing the transplant until the coverage area has been filled in according to the treatment plan. Dr. Nikko is very diligent in ensuring the follicles are places according to the natural appearance of the patient’s hair, meaning that the direction, angle, and orientation of each follicle is taken into consideration.


Most patients will leave our cosmetic surgery practice feeling tired and will be sent home to rest. While there is some discomfort, this is minimal and can be controlled with a simple pain medication if necessary. Patients should refrain from strenuous activities, such as exercise, for at least a week. In the first several days after the SmartGraft procedure, the grafts will begin to scab over. This is part of the growing process while the follicles get adapted to their new home on the scalp. Dr. Nikko will provide specific aftercare instructions on how to shampoo, what to use, and how often. The hair grafts should be taken care of and treated gently for 2 weeks. It is also important to be careful when outdoors as they will need to be protected from the environment, such as sun, wind, and rain. The newly transplanted hair follicles take about 3 weeks to take root in the scalp before the hair sheds. This shedding process is common and happens with just about every patient and is a part of the healing process so that the new hair can regenerate and grow. In about 3 – 4 months, patients will start to witness their new hair growth that will blend naturally well with the existing hair. Dr. Nikko will have several ongoing follow-up appointments to check the progress. Our patients are so excited during this process as their hair begins to grow in and fill in balding and thin areas.


Hair transplant using the SmartGraft will vary in cost depending on how many grafts are needed to attain the desired results. On average, most patients receive between 500 – 1500 grafts, costing between $4 and $7 per hair graft. This is a permanent hair grafting solution and the average starting price for this procedure is $8,000. Results will vary depending on the personal goal of the patient. Not every cosmetic surgeon is skilled to perform this treatment. It takes a qualified, experienced, and skill hair restoration expert to achieve the right outcome. Dr. Nikko has extensive training in the SmartGraft procedure, as well as both cosmetic surgery and dermatology. One of the benefits of choosing Dr. Nikko for this procedure is that he can continue to work with the patients to help prevent ongoing hair loss of the natural hair and continue to monitor hair loss and work with the patients for future restoration. Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Nikko for a personalized treatment plan.

What patients have to say about Dr. Nikko and our amazing staff.



SmartGraft FUE Hair Surgery

Patient had permanent hair transplantation performed, the donor hair was taken from the back of the scalp and meticulously placed in the beard.


If you are experiencing hair loss, hair thinning, or baldness and would like to learn more about hair restoration with the SmartGraft robotic FUE system, we invite you to call our Houston, TX cosmetic surgery office to learn more.


Smart Graft Hair Restoration

Houston Hair Restoration – Smart Graft – Dr Nikko on Fox 26