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Causes of Hair Loss and Treatment Options – Houston, TX


Balding and thinning of the hair can occur in varying stages of severity in both men and women of all ages. Hair loss is something that can affect your everyday quality of life and confidence, which is why Cosmetic Surgeon and board-certified Dermatologist Dr. Anthony Nikko and his team at The Nikko Cosmetic Surgery Center in Houston, TX, take this condition very seriously and offer multiple treatment options to fit your needs. The direct causes of hair loss can be difficult to pinpoint, but the result is always the same: a disrupted or damaged hair re-growth cycle that doesn’t allow the proper amount of new hair follicles to take the old one’s place. On average, a person sheds 50-100 hair strands per day; however, this becomes an issue when the old hair follicles are unable to keep up and reproduce the necessary follicles to present a full head of hair. Therefore, alternative treatments are sought and administered to restore the hair to its fullest potential.


Androgenetic alopecia is one of the most common causes for hair loss and is attributed to hereditary male or female pattern baldness, which is the gradual process of thinning and softening of the hair follicle (miniaturization), usually beginning as a receding hair line or small bald spots. This is a genetic disorder that resides in your family’s history and is passed down from your parents or grandparents.

Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menopause, or issues with the thyroid gland can cause temporary hair loss, as the body’s hormones are necessary to regulate the rate of hair re-growth. Outside medications and treatments can also be a factor, such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments, or an excess of vitamin A.

There are a number of medical conditions that can result in hair loss and balding, such as scalp infections or certain diseases that can cause the immune system to attack the hair follicles, resulting in patchy hair loss known as alopecia areata.

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Depending on the extent and cause of the hair loss, less-invasive treatments may be recommended or coupled with surgical procedures. For hair that is thinning or in the early stages of balding, PRP therapy is a nonsurgical method to stimulate natural hair growth. Dr. Nikko is a board-certified Dermatologist who is fully-equipped to assess your hair loss and determine the best treatment option for you.


Dr. Nikko, a board-certified Dermatologist, specializes in hair transplant and restoration procedures, specifically SmartGraft FUE hair restoration surgery. A follicle unit extraction procedure like SmartGraft involves the removal of hair follicles in the non-balding areas and transplanting those follicles to the balding areas by carefully arranging the hair in precise locations. SmartGraft relies on suction to extract the hair follicles, making it less invasive than other FUE procedures, allowing a recovery time of only a few days. Dr. Nikko will evaluate your hair restoration needs and recommend the optimal treatment method for you.

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