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Wart Removal Treatment in Houston TX


Warts are benign skin growths that are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that infect the top layer of the skin. They are typically characterized by small, rough bumps that can appear anywhere on the body, including feet, hands, face, and genital area. Warts are contagious and can spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or indirectly through contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus. Most of the time, warts are harmless and can often go away without treatment, but they can be uncomfortable, unsightly, or even embarrassing for some people. When treatment is required, Dr. Nikko offers a range of long-lasting solutions.


There are several different types of warts, each characterized by its appearance, location on the body, and underlying cause. Here are the most common types of warts:

COMMON WARTS (Verruca Vulgaris)

Common warts are the most prevalent type of wart and typically appear on the hands, fingers, and around the fingernails. They are often rough, raised, and have a cauliflower-like appearance. Common warts can vary in size and can be flesh-colored, white, pink, or brown.


Plantar warts develop on the soles of the feet, particularly in areas that encounter a lot of pressure or friction, such as the heels or balls of the feet. They may appear as flattened, rough growths with a thickened outer layer of skin (callus) covering them. It’s not uncommon for plantar warts to cause pain or discomfort, especially when walking or standing.

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FLAT WARTS (Verruca Plana)

Flat warts are small, smooth, and flat-topped growths that often appear in clusters on the face, neck, hands, or legs. They are usually flesh-colored, pink, or light brown and may be slightly raised or barely noticeable. Flat warts tend to be more common in children and adolescents.

GENITAL WARTS (Condyloma Acuminata)

Genital warts are sexually transmitted infections caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can appear on the genitals, groin area, or around the anus and may vary in size, shape, and color. Genital warts can be flat, raised, cauliflower-like, or even tiny and difficult to see in some cases.


Filiform warts are long, narrow growths that often develop on the face, particularly around the mouth, nose, or eyes. They have a distinctive appearance, resembling tiny, thread-like projections or spikes. Filiform warts may be flesh-colored, pink, or yellowish in color.


Periungual warts occur around or under the nails, most commonly affecting the fingernails, but can also affect the toenails. They may cause rough, irregular growths around the nail edges or underneath the nail plate. This type of wart can be painful and may cause nail deformities or changes in nail shape.


Determining whether a skin growth is a wart or another type of skin condition is often challenging, but there are several characteristics that can help distinguish warts from other skin growths. Here are some indicators that can help you determine if a skin lesion is likely a wart:

Appearance: Warts often have a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other skin growths. They may appear as raised, rough bumps on the skin, with a texture resembling cauliflower.

Location: Warts can occur on various parts of the body, including the hands, fingers, feet, face, and genital area. Certain types of warts, such as plantar warts, tend to develop in specific locations, such as the soles of the feet.

Multiple Lesions: Warts often appear in clusters or groups rather than as solitary lesions. If you notice multiple similar-looking bumps in the same area of the body, it may indicate the presence of warts.

Pain or Discomfort: Some warts, such as plantar warts, can cause pain or discomfort, especially when pressure is applied to them, such as when walking or standing.

Texture: Warts typically have a rough, irregular texture compared to the surrounding skin. They may feel grainy or bumpy to the touch.

Black Dots: Some warts may contain tiny black dots or specks within them, which are clotted blood vessels. These black dots may be visible if you look closely.

Changes Over Time: Warts may change in appearance or size over time. They may grow larger, multiply, or spread to nearby areas.

It’s important to note that not all skin growths are warts, and other conditions, such as moles, skin tags, cysts, or benign tumors, may resemble warts. If you are unsure about a skin lesion or if it is causing you concern, reach out to Dr. Nikko to find out for sure.

Risk Factors

There are a handful of risk factors that can increase your chances of developing warts. These include:

A weakened immune system: Individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, are more susceptible to HPV infections and may be more prone to developing warts.

Skin trauma: Skin injuries, cuts, or abrasions create entry points for the HPV virus, increasing the likelihood of developing warts in the affected area.

Warm and moist environments: HPV thrives in warm, moist environments, making areas like swimming pools, locker rooms, and communal showers potential sources of transmission.

It’s important to note that warts may persist for varying lengths of time, ranging from months to years, depending on individual factors and the effectiveness of treatment. Even after treatment, warts may recur if the underlying HPV infection is still there or if preventive measures aren’t taken.


Ideal Candidates for Wart Removal

Ideal candidates for wart removal include anyone with bothersome or persistent warts that interfere with their daily activities, cause pain or discomfort, or affect their self-esteem. People with underlying health conditions that make them more susceptible to HPV infections are also good candidates for wart removal as part of more comprehensive medical care.


What Are the Benefits of Wart Removal Treatment?

Wart removal treatment offers several potential benefits for individuals with bothersome or persistent warts. While many warts may resolve on their own over time, wart removal offers several benefits, such as:

Relief from discomfort: Warts, especially plantar warts on the feet, can cause pain, tenderness, or discomfort, particularly when walking, standing, or wearing shoes. Wart removal can alleviate symptoms and improve comfort, allowing you to get back to your normal routine.

Improved self-confidence: Warts can be unsightly and may cause embarrassment or self-consciousness, especially if they are located on areas such as the face, hands, or genital area.

Preventing spread: Removing warts can help prevent the spread of the human papillomavirus (HPV) to others and reduce the risk of transmission within families, communities, or shared living spaces.

Reduced risk of complications: In some cases, untreated warts may lead to complications, such as secondary bacterial infections, bleeding, or skin irritation. Wart removal can reduce the risk of complications and promote healing by eliminating the source of the infection and allowing the skin to heal.


Cost of Wart Removal Treatment in Houston, TX

The cost of wart removal in Houston varies depending on the recommended treatment plan from Dr. Nikko. The best course of action is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nikko, where he will assess the situation and come up with a treatment plan to get the long-lasting results you need.


Different Types of Wart Removal Treatment

Dr. Nikko offers several different treatment options for removing warts and will prescribe the appropriate treatment based on the type and severity of your outbreak. Treatments range from over-the-counter remedies to medical procedures like cryotherapy, electrosurgery and curettage, laser therapy, surgical excision, and immunotherapy.


What to Expect from Wart Removal Treatment

When you trust Dr. Nikko for your wart removal treatment, the goal is to eliminate the warts, alleviate your symptoms, and improve your quality of life. During your initial consultation, we will
assess the type, size, and location of the warts, as well as your overall health and medical history. Then, we will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs, which will include one or more removal methods.

Depending on the treatment method used, you may experience sensations such as tingling, burning, or discomfort during the wart removal procedure. Local anesthesia may be used to minimize pain or discomfort during surgical procedures or more invasive treatments. We’ll also provide you with complete aftercare instructions and follow-up to ensure everything went as planned.


Get in Touch Today for Wart Removal Treatment

If you’ve had enough of painful and unsightly warts affecting your quality of life, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nikko to get the solution you deserve. We will assess your condition and create a custom treatment plan designed to safely and effectively remove your warts to give you total peace of mind.

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FAQ About Wart Removal Treatment

What are Warts?

Warts are benign skin growths that appear on the top layer of your skin. They usually look like rough bumps and can appear on various parts of the body, including the hands, feet, face, and genital area. Most of the time, warts don’t cause any harm, but they are contagious and can spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or indirectly from touching contaminated surfaces.

What are the Common Symptoms of a Wart?

Warts often have a distinct appearance that’s different than other types of skin growths. They look like raised, rough bumps with a tough texture that resembles cauliflower. Certain types of warts can cause pain and discomfort, especially if they’re located on your feet. You may also notice tiny black dots or specks inside the growth which is another sign it’s a wart.

What Causes Warts?

Warts are caused when you are infected with the human papillomavirus or HPV. This is a group of more than 100 different viruses, some of which cause warts to form on the skin. Each type of HPV virus is associated with specific types of warts, and they vary in appearance and location on the body. Certain risk factors can make it easier to become infected with HPV. These include a weakened immune system, trauma to the skin that allows the virus in, and exposure to moist or warm environments,

Can I DIY My Wart Removal?

While there are various over-the-counter (OTC) wart removal products and home remedies available, attempting to remove warts yourself (DIY) carries certain risks and may not always be effective. First, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis so you know that the growth you’re trying to remove is actually award. If you attempt to treat other skin conditions as warts, you may end up causing more harm than good. It’s also important to know what type of work you have because that will determine the type of treatment that gets the best results. Some over-the-counter treatments aren’t suitable for certain types of words.

Where Can I Find Wart Removal Treatment Near Me?

If you’re looking for effective and professional wart removal treatment in the Houston area,
board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko can help. He will perform a complete assessment of the situation to determine what type of what you have, then create a treatment plan designed to remove the wart as quickly and efficiently as possible. To learn more about our wart removal treatment, contact us today to schedule your consultation.