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Acne Treatment – Acne Scar Treatment – Cypress, Houston TX


Active acne and acne scars on the face, chest, and back can be unsightly and difficult to hide. Our Cypress, TX board-certified Dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko, sees patients of all ages with this common skin condition. Inflamed acne skin is a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria, and clogged pores, which will appear as pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and bumps on the skin.

Scars occur when pimples, lumps, cysts, nodules, blackheads and whiteheads advance to the point that the tissue is injured. Many traditional treatments like abrasion therapy, topical agents, conventional lasers, and surgery achieve only moderate results. Most treatments lack the capability of stimulating new collagen, which improves tone and texture. Nikko Dermatology’s advanced acne treatment options use innovative technology to coagulate dermal tissue. It should deliver significant results while reducing the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation to help the skin look healthy and clear.


Acne symptoms vary in combination with the type of acne and its severity. Blemishes are a common, most visible symptom of acne and come in many different forms. Types of blemishes include blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, pustules, nodules, and papules. Each type of blemish ranges from mild to severe and will need to be treated accordingly. Studies have shown that acne can create emotional symptoms as well, which include low self-esteem and depression. Other symptoms associated with acne are dark spots on the skin and permanent scars.

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A “flare-up” of acne can occur for a number of different reasons, including hormonal fluctuations associated with puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. In addition, certain medications and drugs, such as the birth control pill, can cause acne, as well as stress and a poor diet. Once the exact cause of acne is diagnosed, a proper treatment plan can be established.


Ideal candidates for acne dermatology come from all age ranges, from childhood through adulthood. Dr. Nikko finds that patients who benefit most from dermatology acne treatments have a history of unsuccessful home and over-the-counter treatments for acne, as well as frequent break outs and acne scarring.

When acne reaches this point, it typically indicates damage to the skin layers, as well as advanced issues that cause imbalances allowing bacteria and infections to thrive.


Research shows that over-the-counter ointments are not proven to effectively treat severe acne. Our dermatology office offers numerous treatment options to control and manage acne and help clear its symptoms. For milder cases of acne, prescription ointments such as topical solutions that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can also provide some relief.

There are also oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline, minocycline or tetracycline that can be effective to use. In addition to topical and oral prescriptions, noninvasive skin treatments can also be effective. Not only can a laser treatment help to deep clean and attack dead skin cells under the dermal layer, it should reduce redness and other pigmentation issues associated with acne. Chemical peels, microneedling, and dermabrasion may also repair the skin depending on the type of acne.


If you are tired of covering your acne with makeup, enduring the physical pain and embarrassment, and the emotional affliction that can develop from acne, we encourage you to schedule an consultation with Dr. Nikko. He performs a skin analysis and creates a tailored treatment plan to help clear up your complexion.


The cost of acne dermatology in Houston varies significantly based on the recommended treatment plan from Dr. Nikko. Topical and oral medications may cost between $35 to $70 per month. Skin treatments range from $500 to $3,000 each. Because the costs vary so significantly between patients, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Nikko. After he defines a plan for your acne treatment, we can review the costs in more detail. Should you be interested in making affordable monthly payment for your acne treatments, be sure to read about our dermatology financing options.


Dr. Nikko offers the most advanced acne dermatology solutions to his patients. For milder cases of acne, prescription ointments such as topical solutions that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can provide some relief. There are also oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline, minocycline or tetracycline, that can be effective.

In addition to topical and oral prescriptions, noninvasive skin treatments can be effective. Not only can a laser treatment help to deep clean and attack dead skin cells under the dermal layer, it may also reduce redness and other pigmentation issues associated with acne. Chemical peels, microneedling, and dermabrasion also help to repair the skin depending on the type of acne.


Dr. Nikko understands that you have struggled with your acne for a long time, and you may be at the point where you want to see instant results. Balancing the skin and improving overall skin health does take time, but the results will be long-term if you follow the plan defined by Dr. Nikko. Rather than overnight results, you will see a gradual improvement each day. In just a few short months, you will have clearer healthier skin and break outs that are less frequent and severe. Dr. Nikko continues to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment as needed.

What patients have to say about Dr. Nikko and our amazing staff.


Our acne treatment before and after photos demonstrate the effectiveness of Dr. Nikkos approach. As you review the photos, you will see fewer blemishes and healthier, glowing complexions,


If you are tired of covering your acne with makeup, enduring the physical pain and embarrassment, and the emotional affliction that can develop from acne, we encourage you to call our dermatology office. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Nikko. We will provide a skin analysis and create a tailored treatment plan to help clear up your complexion.


What is Acne?

Active acne and acne scars on the face, chest, and back can be unsightly and difficult to hide. Our Cypress, TX board-certified Dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko, sees patients of all ages with this common skin condition. Inflamed acne skin is a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria, and clogged pores, which will appear as pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and bumps on the skin.

What are the Symptoms of Acne?

Acne symptoms vary in combination with the type of acne and its severity. Blemishes are a common, most visible symptom of acne and come in many different forms. Types of blemishes include blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, pustules, nodules, and papules. Each type of blemish ranges from mild to severe and will need to be treated accordingly. Studies have shown that acne can create emotional symptoms as well, which include low self-esteem and depression. Other symptoms associated with acne are dark spots on the skin and permanent scars.

What Causes Acne?

A “flare-up” of acne can occur for a number of different reasons, including hormonal fluctuations associated with puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. In addition, certain medications and drugs, such as the birth control pill, can cause acne, as well as stress and a poor diet. Once the exact cause of acne is diagnosed, a proper treatment plan can be established.

Can Acne Scars Be Treated?

Scars occur when pimples, lumps, cysts, nodules, blackheads and whiteheads advance to the point that the tissue is injured. Many traditional treatments like abrasion therapy, topical agents, conventional lasers, and surgery achieve only moderate results. Most treatments lack the capability of stimulating new collagen, which improves tone and texture. Nikko Dermatologys advanced acne treatment options use innovative technology to coagulate dermal tissue. It should deliver significant results while reducing the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation to help the skin look healthy and clear.

Is At-Home Skin Care Important for Controlling Chronic Acne?

At-home skin care is an important part of any plan to improve your complexion. As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Nikko understands the science of skin, and he recommends products that will improve your skin, reduce acne, and give you healthy skin for many years.

Where Can I Find Acne Dermatology Near Me?

If you are looking for professional acne treatment in Houston, board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko, can help. He performs an in-depth skin analysis to determine the root cause of your acne and recommends safe and effective treatment options, To learn more about acne treatment, contact us today to schedule your consultation.


How Do You Treat Nodulocystic Acne? – Houston Dermatology