Vladimir Putin’s New Look – Is it Cosmetic Surgery?

Jul 3, 2018

Recently Russia’s Prime Minister, 58-year-old Vladimir Putin, is sporting a fresh new look; in fact it’s so fresh that commentators throughout the world are abuzz. While some speculate that Mr. Putin had Botox injections, most state that the transformation of his face is much too dramatic to be the work of Botox. Though Botox is an excellent tool to temporarily eliminate* fine lines and frown lines, it does not address under-eye bags or lift the forehead. Most commentators and celebrity watchers speculate Mr. Putin had eyelid surgery to rid himself of his heavy under-eye bags, and a facelift or a brow lift to rejuvenate the face. While Mr. Putin’s public relations staff denies any knowledge of cosmetic surgery, we will never know for sure. We know that men are seeking cosmetic surgery now more than ever, with the main impetus as the ability to look young and energetic in the work place. One could argue that this is Mr. Putin’s strategy as he is seeking a third term as prime minister.