Rhinoplasty Houston: What to Expect from Recovery

Jul 3, 2018

One of the most frequent rhinoplasty (nose reshaping/nose job) questions received by Dr. Nikko is what to expect following surgery in terms of recovery. Before having rhinoplasty, Dr. Nikko and/or his caring staff will ask whether you have any major events coming up such as a wedding, class reunion, or family event where the patient wants to look his/her best, or where photos will be taken. This is because there are some after effects of rhinoplasty. After surgery, a small plastic splint is placed in the nose to support the nose’s new shape and protect that shape, and this is usually removed within about five days. The patient will be up and able to move around a day or two following surgery, and any discomfort can be handled with prescription medications. However, after rhinoplasty, some patients experience bruising around the eyes that may last about one week. Dr. Nikko uses medications to help alleviate the bruising and expedite their disappearance. Dr. Nikko will also advise patients to keep their head elevated and to apply a cold compress to help bruising and swelling. Dr. Nikko’s patients generally return to work within about one week following rhinoplasty surgery, and any residual bruising can be covered with cosmetics.