Cosmetic Surgery and Healthy Living Co-Exist

Jul 5, 2018

When patients seek cosmetic surgery such as liposuction or body contouring, they often do not consider the importance of healthy living for the future such as eating a balanced diet, getting enough exercise, and quieting the mind. Consideration of the mind, body, and spirit is what makes Anthony Nikko, M.D. unique among Houston cosmetic surgeons because of his lifestyle center. Dr. Nikko firmly believes that undergoing cosmetic surgery is just the beginning of the patient’s journey to a better body. Aesthetics is important, but it is more important for the patient to make a commitment to eat a balanced diet and exercise. A healthy diet supports a strong immune system, musculoskeletal system, and weight control. Though liposuction will remove stored fat, if the patient does not commit to a healthy diet, it’s possible the patient will not sustain their newfound shape. Exercise not only keeps the heart healthy and tones muscles, but it helps to balance the mind. Dr. Nikko not only performs cosmetic surgeries leading to exquisite results, but he offers support to his patients after surgery through natural diet and exercise. Dr. Nikko is a well-respected cosmetic surgeon and board-certified dermatologist who has more than ten years of experience in caring for patients.