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Skin Cancer – Screening & Removal – Skin Excision – Cypress, Houston, TX


Skin cancer is rising at an alarming rate for people of all ages, skin color, genders, and race. It has been estimated that 1-in-5 Americans will develop some type of skin cancer in their lifetime. If you have a worrisome mole or an unusual growth on your skin, our board-certified Dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko, can screen your skin for cancers and other abnormalities. At Nikko Dermatology in Cypress, TX, we provide all our patients with skin cancer screenings when presenting a troublesome skin condition. Malignant skin cancer cells usually appear in the outermost layer of the skin (the epidermis) making the condition clearly visible and easy to detect at an early stage. We invite you to our office for a screening and consultation for treatment.


Although there are different types of skin cancers, the most common are:

Actinic keratoses (AKS) is considered the earliest stage in the development of skin cancer. It presents as dry, scaly patches or spots. In some instances, AKS can progress to a squamous cell carcinoma, a fatal type of cancer. AKS mainly develops in adults over 40 due to many years of sun exposure. However, anyone can develop it from exposure to sun rays or indoor tanning booths on the common affected areas of the head, neck, hands, and forearms.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a type of skin cancer develops in the basal cells of the epidermis and attacks about 80% of skin cancer patients. The appearance of BCC varies from translucent nodules to red, irritated patches or elevated sores that bleed. These tumors grow slowly and are mainly seen on sun-exposed areas of the body.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant type of skin cancer tends to develop in fair-skinned, middle-aged and elderly people who have been overly exposed to the sun. They take many forms such as dry, scaly, skin-colored, reddish-brown or yellowish-black. SCC is more likely to spread and attack the immune system. Early detection and treatment is highly important.

Melanoma is known as one of the most lethal, aggressive types of skin cancer. It develops in the melanocytes cells that produce the pigmentation of the skin. Melanoma can appear in pre-existing moles or through new moles that turn malignant. Dr. Nikko recommends a yearly skin check-up to detect any changes. Remember, untreated melanoma skin cancer has a 100% mortality rate; however, if detected and treated early, melanoma has a high chance of a cure.

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We ascribe to the ABCDE’s of the melanoma detection theory at Nikko Dermatology:

Asymmetry: If one side of the mole or lesion is larger than the other, it is asymmetrical.
Border: A melanoma may have an irregular or poor border.
Color: An abnormality will grow in has different shades of tan, brown, or black. We have also witness some as white, red, or blue.
Diameter: Size matters because melanomas are usually 6mm in diameter (the size of a pencil eraser).
Evolving: If your mole looks different from the rest of the moles on your body and is always changing size and color, it is best to have it checked out by a trusted physician.


After a consultation, your dermatologist will make recommendations on your treatment. There are various ways for Dr. Nikko to address your skin conditions. It is imperative to have your abnormal moles or growths checked out for malignancies. We will provide you with compassionate care and use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to help bring health back to your skin.


Screening your skin for abnormalities or cancers can be a life-saving appointment. At Nikko Dermatology in Cypress, TX, we will provide you with an examination of the area of concern. Call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Nikko at your earliest convenience.


Dr. Nikko recommends a skin cancer check annually for adults, as well as children and teenagers who spend a great deal of time outdoors. You should also schedule a skin cancer screening if you find an unusual mole or growth on your skin. Screening your skin for abnormalities or cancers can be a life-saving appointment.


As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Nikko has the indepth knowledge needed to identify various types of skin cancer. Should you have a cancerous growth, he offers treatments that remove the cancer.


The cost of skin cancer screening in Houston and the required treatment varies based on the location, type, and degree of the skin cancer. We can provide this information at the time of your consultation. For your convenience, we offer  dermatology financing options that allow for affordable, monthly payments.


Having skin cancer means that you are susceptible to this health condition. As such, after the initial skin cancer is treated, you will need to make changes to your lifestyle to reduce the risk of future skin cancers. Dr. Nikko explains how to modify your lifestyle as part of your skin cancer screening and treatment.


What are the Signs of Skin Cancer?

Dr. Nikko educates his patients about the ABCDE of melanoma to help them identify the condition in the earliest possible stages.

Asymmetry: If one side of the mole or lesion is larger than the other, it is asymmetrical.

Border: A melanoma may have an irregular or poor border.

Color: An abnormality will grow in has different shades of tan, brown, or black. Some melanoma growths may be white, red, or blue.

Diameter: Melanomas are usually 6mm in diameter (the size of a pencil eraser).

Evolving: If your mole looks different from the rest of the moles on your body and is always changing size and color, it is best to have it checked out by a trusted physician.

Is Skin Cancer Dangerous?

Each type of skin cancer represents a unique threat to your overall health. Some types of skin cancer spread to surrounding tissues, with the most life-threatening spreading to your organs. Other skin cancers do not spread beyond the skin, but still represent a concern for keeping you healthy.

Do All Skin Cancers Require Treatment?

Any type of malignant growth should be treated to ensure that it does not spread to other areas of your skin and body. Skin cancers can destroy tissues, leaving you with abnormalities that can make day-to-day life difficult at best. A skin cancer screening with Dr. Nikko is a quick and easy way to learn more about any abnormal moles and growths on your skin. If you do have skin cancer, Dr. Nikko explains your treatment options.

Can Skin Cancer Be Prevented?

Skin cancer can be prevented. Most malignant growths are the result of exposure to sunlight. Dr. Nikko recommends that people of all ages use a high-quality sunscreen when outdoors, including when you are in the shade. Make sure to wear a hat that shades your head, face, and neck. You should also remain cognizant of sunlight exposure to your hands, torso, and legs, as these are areas that are most often overlooked as potential sites of skin cancer.

Where Can I Find Skin Cancer Treatment Near Me?

If you are interested in skin cancer treatment or a skin cancer screening in Houston, contact us to schedule a consultation with board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Nikko.

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