Houston Female changes the way her skin looks with RegenerStem Facial!
Patient came to see Dr. Nikko in hopes of improving her overall skin texture with the intention of looking refreshed and hydrated while addressing her problem areas such as the fine lines, wrinkles, and bags under her eyes.
Not only can the RegenerStem facial help to resurface your skin it can help with the appearance of looking tired and help to increase the volume loss in your treated areas. Patient has a down time of only 1 day! BENEFITS of PRP: Along with the benefit of using your own tissue therefore eliminating allergies there is the added intrigue of mobilizing your own stem cells for your benefit. PRP has been shown to have overall rejuvenating effects on the skin as in: improving skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles, increasing volume via the increased production of collagen and elastin, and by diminishing and improving the appearance of scars. Other benefits: minimal down time, safe with minimal risk, short recovery time, natural looking results, no general anesthesia is required.
Age: 30 – 39
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Height: 5’ 0” – 5’ 5”
Weight: Undisclosed
Gallery: 36898
PRP Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma
Skin Rejuvenation
Eye Rejuvenation
RegenerStem Facial
PRP Injections
PRP Therapy
Skin Resurfacing
Acne Scar Treatment
Build Collagen
Reduce Fine Lines
Reduce Wrinkles
Improve Skin Texture
Minimal Downtime
PRP Facial with Minimal Downti
Increase Volume
Look Younger
Refresh your skin
Healthier Younger Skin
Diminish Scar Appearance
PRP Therapy is used for aesthetic procedures is safe for most individuals between the ages of 25-80. There are very few contraindications, however, patients with the following conditions are not candidates: 1) Acute and Chronic Infections 2) Skin diseases (i.e. SLE, porphyria, allergies) 3) Cancer 3) Chemotherapy 4) Severe metabolic and systemic disorders 5) Abnormal platelet function (blood disorders, i.e. Haemodynamic Instability, Hypofibrinogenaemia, Critical Thrombocytopenia) 6) Chronic Liver Pathology 7) Anti-coagulation therapy, 8) Underlying Sepsis, 9) Systemic use of corticosteroids within two weeks of the procedure, and 10) pregnant or breastfeeding.