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Brazilian Butt Lift Houston – BBL Houston


The Brazilian butt lift is notably one of the most rapidly growing aesthetic enhancements in the U.S., and is currently in popular demand by both men and women. This surgery offers individuals an effective way to attain a shapelier and more defined buttocks without having to use implants. Weight fluctuations, the aging process, as well as genetics can be the cause of a flat rear-end. Today, a fuller, shapelier rear-end is wanted more than a flat look. A Brazilian butt lift adds fullness to the buttocks to create the desired outcome. This is accomplished through a uniquely specialized fat grafting and transfer process, which applies liposuction to remove fat from a targeted area of the body for injection into various areas of the buttocks. There is an artistic approach to accomplishing this procedure, and with many years of advanced training and experience, Houston, TX Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Anthony Nikko, is able to produce natural, beautiful results. Call the Nikko Cosmetic Surgery Center to learn more about how a Brazilian butt lift can help accentuate your curves.


The right candidates for the body contouring procedure, the Brazilian butt lift, will be assessed to ensure they are right for this treatment. The first consideration is to make certain there is plenty of fat on the body to liposuction for the transfer process. If you have a lighter body weight or have limited fat to extract and purify, you might not be a good fit for this surgery. It is also necessary to have healthy skin laxity. If you have wrinkled or sagging skin, you may require a surgical butt lift. If you are at a healthy weight, have unwanted fat to extract, and do not wish to use implants, this enhancement surgery may be ideal for you.

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Buttock augmentation with the Brazilian butt lift technique is an outpatient procedure that requires general anesthesia. On average, a Brazilian butt lift takes approximately two to three hours, depending on the amount of fat that is being extracted and transplanted. Liposuction is used to remove fat from an area of your body, such as your thighs, flanks, and lower back.

The amount of fat that is extracted is minimal, so you will not see any significant changes to the contours of the extraction site. If you want to remove more fat from the extraction site, Dr. Nikko can combine your Brazilian butt lift with a standard liposuction surgery. The process of fat removal is performed precisely and safely so the fat tissue is not subjected to open air, and the fat is then purified in a sterile centrifuge device.

During this process, high-quality fat tissue is harvested and put into syringes. For the final step, the fat is injected at several sites on your buttocks. The extracted fat tissue is injected in layers with a gentle massage to make sure the surface looks smooth. This phase is repeated multiple times until the desired fullness has been achieved.


Following a Brazilian butt lift, you will be released home to rest. Keep in mind there are two areas that need recovery time – both the areas where the fat was extracted, as well as the augmented area. Both areas will have some swelling and bruising. Patients should try their best to not place extreme weight on the rear-end for approximately 2 weeks following surgery. After the swelling has gone away, the actual results are noticeable, which in the majority of cases is within around 4 – 6 weeks. Your buttocks will look round and shapely. Even better, the body parts that had lipo may make the outcomes even more beautiful if it was used on the lower back or flanks. Our patients love their newly defined physique!


The Brazilian butt lift procedure is so popular because it allows individuals the chance to have the full and round backside without butt implants. Dr. Nikko uses the grafted fat to skillfully sculpt your buttocks, and there is little to no downtime.


The average cost of a Brazilian butt lift in Houston is between $7,500 and $10,000, and the cost varies by patient. As part of your consultation with Dr. Nikko, we review the cost of your Brazilian butt lift and explain our payment methods, including cosmetic surgery financing options.

What patients have to say about Dr. Nikko and our amazing staff.


Our Brazilian butt lift before and after photos show you how Dr. Nikko uses advanced fat grafting techniques and an artistic approach to enhance buttocks without implants.

Before After BBL Dr Nikko Houston Texas

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift
Before After Liposuction BBL Dr Nikko Houston Texas


Liposuction with Fat Transfer to Buttocks
Before After Liposuction Dr Nikko Houston TX


Patient's goal was to improve the appearance of her body. She desired to reduce the areas resistant to diet and exercise with liposuction.
Before After BBL

Brazilian Butt Lift

The patient’s goals were to have a curvy and small waistline with a more accentuated buttocks. The surgery consisted of tumescent liposuction to the waistline, hips and lower back with fat grafting and injections to the buttocks.
Cosmetic Surgery Before After Butt Lift Dr Nikko Houston TX

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift
Cosmetic Surgery Before After Butt Lift Dr Nikko Houston TX

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift
Cosmetic Surgery Before After BBL Dr Nikko Houston TX

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Buttock Lift
Cosmetic Surgery Before After BBL Dr Nikko Houston TX

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift
Cosmetic Surgery Before After BBL Dr Nikko Houston TX

Brazilian Butt Lift

Patient wanted to reduce the area that where tough to lose fat with liposuction and have fat grafting to the buttocks area, giving her a more natural fuller look.
Cosmetic Surgery Before After BBL Dr Nikko Houston TX

Brazilian Butt Lift

Plastic Surgery Liposuction with Fat Transfer to Buttocks
Before and After BBL

Brazilian Butt Lift

Liposuction with Fat Transfer to Buttocks
Before and After BBL

Brazilian Butt Lift

Plastic Surgery Liposuction with Fat Transfer to Buttocks


The Brazilian butt lift procedure is so popular, because it allows individuals the chance to have the full and round buttocks they have always wanted. If you hope to get more roundness in your buttocks, and are looking for a natural method, we invite you to phone our office to schedule your consultation. If you are not a candidate for this treatment, you will be glad to learn there are many other options to consider to reach your aesthetic goals.


What are the Advantages of a Brazilian Butt Lift Compared to Butt Implants?

Butt implants are silicone filled devices that come in various shapes and sizes, yet implants do not allow for a great degree of customization for your buttock augmentation. As such, many women and men in Houston find that they are unhappy with the results of their butt implants. With a Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Nikko uses small injections of fat to enhance and contour your buttocks, and this allows for an exceptional level of customization to your anatomy and personal desires.

How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Fat cells do break down over time, and your buttocks change with weight fluctuations and aging. On average, the results of a Brazilian butt lift last about six months, but your follow-up treatments require less fat transfer than the initial treatment.

Is Butt Augmentation with a Brazilian Butt Lifts Safe?

Fat transfer procedures, such as a Brazilian butt lift, are considered very safe. Dr. Nikko uses your own fat, so there is no risk of your body rejecting the tissue. Complications from Brazilian butt lifts are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified, expert surgeon, such as Dr. Nikko.

Are Follow-Up Treatments Needed After a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Dr. Nikko schedules follow-up appointments in the weeks after your Brazilian butt lift to check how the fat grafts are healing. In some cases, additional fat transfer injections are needed to address pitting, fat loss, and other issues, but this is quite uncommon. You may also find that you want more shape to your buttocks, and this requires a second procedure.

Can Buttock Augmentation Be Combined with Other Cosmetic Procedures?

Dr. Nikko can combine your Brazilian butt lift with other cosmetic procedures, such as liposuction, breast lift, and abdominoplasty. Discuss this with him during your consultation.

Where Can I Find a Brazilian Butt Lift Near Me?

The popularity of the Brazilian butt lift in Houston gives you many options for choosing a surgeon for the procedure, but you want to ensure that the individual has the skill and expertise to achieve the best possible results. Dr. Anthony Nikko is a board-certified dermatologist and skilled cosmetic surgeon who uses an artistic approach to this type of buttock augmentation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift ? – Houston

The Average Cost Of A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

How Long Does A BBL Last? – Houston